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Título del libro: Echinoderm Research And Diversity In Latin America.
Título del capítulo: Echinoderms of Peru

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Peru is situated in a peculiar geographical area where temperate waters coming from the south and tropical waters from the north meet, generating a diverse and dynamic ecological system. The Peruvian littoral possesses peculiar marine habitats, the product of many natural variables such as geology of its coast line, presence of a complex system of currents, existence of one of the most important upwelling systems in the world, the recurrent phenomenon of El Niño, and many others. This makes the ecological processes of the Peruvian territorial sea even more complex where marine species vary in abundance and distribution, creating one of the more productive marine areas of the world. Few taxonomic studies exist on Peruvian echinoderms. This fauna is represented by 215 species: Crinoidea (1 species), Asteroidea (64 species), Ophiuroidea (42 species), Echinoidea (35 species) and Holothuroidea (73 species). Seventeen species belong to the warm Temperate South Eastern Province and 64 to the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Seventy eight are deep water species. Twenty percent of the 84 shallow water species are temperate, 75 % are tropical and 5 % belong to both provinces. Historically echinoderms were of interest to Prehispanic Peruvian cultures, exploited and locally consumed by the Mochica (or Moche) culture or used on important offering rituals. Commercialization of echinoderms in Peru is recent and practically no protection measures are taken on its fishery. Even species that have been used for local consumption have been taken to the edge of collapse. The souvenir market is also part of the threats to Peruvian echinoderms. It is necessary to conduct more taxonomical and ecological studies in this area. It is important to generate more information about the density and other population parameters of echinoderms, including growth, reproduction, feeding and their relation with the biotic and abiotic environment. This information will be of great importance for developing strategies leading towards the sustainable production of echinoderms as a resource and their administration, as well as the search of alternatives to increase their production through aquaculture. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. All rights are reserved.

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