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Título del libro: Microbial Insecticides: Principles And Applications
Título del capítulo: Innocuity and toxicity of entomopathogenic fungi

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The characterization of potential hazards and safety concerns of fungal microbial agents for biological control is a pressing need in view of the increased number of entomopathogenic fungi used as non-chemical alternatives for agricultural and medical relevant pest control. The host-damage response framework theory can be applied to fungal microbial agents to understand the innocuity of entomopathogenic fungi when introduced to non-target organisms such as mammals. This chapter is then focused at comparing two models. The first one, the binomial Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum/locust (Schistocerca piceiforns ssp. piceifrons), illustrates how the virulence factors of an entomopathogenic fungus are completely expressed when infecting a susceptible host producing disease and the death of the insect. The second binomial, M. anisopliae var. acridum/mice, exemplifies that even though the fungus possesses the same virulence factors or attributes, these are not expressed or are ineffective in a non-susceptible host, and is not able to cause damage in the host. These examples may explain the different outcomes of the interaction between a host and a microbe depending on the amount of host damage produced. The final interaction of the first binomial illustrated resulting in the death of the susceptible host, i.e., the insect and the result of the second binomial exemplified resulting in the innocuity of the fungus to the non-susceptible host, i.e., the mouse. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

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