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Título del libro: Beyond The Quantum
Título del capítulo: On the ergodic behaviour of atomic systems under the action of the zero?point radiation field

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Palabras clave:

Linear stochastic electrodynamics; Quantum mechanics; Semi-classic; Ergodicity; Stochastic electrodynamics


We study anew the behaviour of an otherwise classical bound particle immersed in a radiation field that includes the zero-point field component of average energy (1/2)h? per mode. The presence of this field introduces an essential stochasticity into the dynamics of the particle, characterized by Planck?s constant h; this has been the basis for stochastic electrodynamics. Both the near field and the particle are affected substantially by their continuous interaction. Stationary solutions are in principle possible when a balance is achieved between the mean powers emitted and absorbed by the particle. By demanding that the ensuing approximate stationary solutions satisfy an ergodic principle, we are led to a resonant response that is linear in the Fourier amplitudes of the field; this is the essence of linear stochastic electrodynamics. The connection with the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics can be readily made, with the resonance frequencies of the ergodic solutions corresponding to the quantum mechanical transition frequencies. Some implications of these results for the understanding of quantum phenomena are briefly discussed. © 2007 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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