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Título del libro: The Level Of Adoption Of Statistical Tools. A Case Of Statistical Engineering

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Palabras clave:

Decision making; Statistical mechanics; Analytical performance; Business analytics; Business improvements; ranking; Statistical engineering; Statistical tools; Study case; Statistics


Due to the emergence of new information technologies, there has been an increase on the use of statistical tools applied in business. Here, we investigate several scales existing in literature and propose a novel way of measuring the level of adoption of statistical tools. The logic behind is: The higher a company on the scale; the stronger its statistical capabilities are. Four drivers are investigated to assist companies to improve its analytical performance. These concepts are assembled under the statistical engineering approach. Seven statistical tools are wisely integrated by following a logical order of six steps. This study case represents a guide to anyone interested on applying the concepts of statistical engineering or improving data exploitation for better decision making in organizations. © 2016 IEEE.

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