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Título del libro: Developing Science In A Developing Country. From Early Astronomy Of Position To Modern Astrophysics In Mexico

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Astronomy; Developing countries; History; Military operations; Observatories; Astrophysical observatory; Harvard; Historical factors; International community; Science development; Scientific activity; Second World War; Shapley; Astrophysics


The creation of the National Astrophysical Observatory of Tonantzintla, Puebla, in 1942, sets the beginning of the later establishment of modern astrophysics in Mexico. What happened in the 1940s that made it possible to overcome previous obstacles? According to the analysis done here, it can be explained as a consequence of the interaction between Harlow Shapley, former director of the Harvard College Observatory and Luis E. Erro, member of the Mexican Government and amateur astronomer, in a very particular moment of the history of the relationship between Mexico and the United States. Since the story took place within the context of the Second World War, the influence of geopolitical affairs must be recognized. The paper analyzes the historical and social circumstances under which it was possible to overcome the early situation and modernize local astronomy. As a case study it should serve to contribute to the knowledge of the development of science in developing countries and their integration into the international community. Additionally, the study offers some answers to the main question that have stimulated the discussion among sociologists and historians of science: how and to what extent scientific activity is facilitated or inhibited by social and historical factors?.

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