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Título del libro: Proceedings Of The 2002 International Joint Power Generation Conference
Título del capítulo: Integrated diagnostic system for the equipment of power plants: Part II - The expert system

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Compressors; Electric power plant equipment; Expert systems; Gas turbines; Identification (control systems); Steam turbines; Thermodynamics; Vibrations (mechanical); Fault identification; Integrated diagnostic system; Combined cycle power plants


This paper describes the development of an Expert System for identification of generating equipment faults caused by wearing out of their components, which decrease the efficiency and thus the heat rate of a generating plant. In a sister paper, the formulation was presented and the algorithms for the principal equipment were developed. The Expert Systems are based on the above algorithms. Also, in some case a vibration analysis is used jointly with thermodynamic analysis to locate precisely a fault, for example in a case of rubbing which damaged the seals of the turbine and/or compressors. The system is used off-line, however it can be installed on-line with a monitoring system. The expert systems identify the faults of the gas turbine, the compressor and the steam turbine. Auxiliary equipment faults are presented in the form of tables also, listing the symptons and their causes. The knowledge levels and the separate bases are built into the systems.

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