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Título del libro: Brenner's Encyclopedia Of Genetics: Second Edition
Título del capítulo: trp Operon Organization and Regulation in Different Bacterial Species

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Palabras clave:

Attenuation; DNA-binding protein; Operon structure; Riboswitch; RNA-binding protein; T-box; Transcription regulation; Translation regulation; Trp operon


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid required for bacterial growth and survival. Although the reactions of tryptophan biosynthesis are essentially identical in most bacterial species, and are carried out principally by the protein products of the same homologous genes, the genes and operons involved in tryptophan biosynthesis are organized differently in different species - from whole-pathway operons, to completely dispersed genes in different operons. This variability is also observed in the different types of regulatory strategies that are used to control gene expression, reflecting evolutionary divergence as well as adjustment to unique metabolic capabilities and environmental interactions. Consequently, particular gene arrangements and regulatory strategies are often found in phylogenetically related organisms. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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