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Título del libro: Arsenic: Exposure Sources, Health Risks, And Mechanisms Of Toxicity
Título del capítulo: Genotoxicity

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Palabras clave:

Activation analysis; Cell culture; Escherichia coli; Oxidative stress; Potable water; Environmental exposure; Genotoxicities; In-vitro; Mutagenicity; Occupational exposure; Arsenic


This chapter provides an overview of the genotoxic effects of in vitro and in vivo arsenic exposure in cellular and animal models, as well as the results of human occupational and environmental arsenic exposure. It discusses arsenic genotoxicity mechanisms. Arsenite increases the mutagenicity of ultraviolet radiation (UV) in E. coli. Concerning arsenic co-genotoxicity, arsenite potentiates the x-ray- and UV-induced chromosomal damage in human lymphocytes and primary human fibroblast cultures. Numerous genotoxicity studies in relation to arsenic exposure have included exposed individuals from several populations, mainly after long-term exposure via the drinking water and/or ambient air. DNA modifications due to arsenic-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) can produce oxidative damage, which can be measured through the presence of the products of guanine oxidation in position 8. Arsenic has been shown to increase p53 expression, and some data suggest that the suppression of p53 and p21CIP/WAF1 is key in arsenite-induced aneuploidy. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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