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Título del libro: Diabetes Mellitus In Developing Countries And Underserved Communities
Título del capítulo: Diabetes in latin America

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Palabras clave:

Admixed populations; Amerindians; Latin America; Low- and middle-income countries


Diabetes has become one of the top causes of death and premature disability in less than half a century in Latin America (LA). Two of the countries with a higher number of affected subjects are located in the region (Brazil and Mexico). Prevalence of the disease is close to 10 % in Latin American countries. Type 2 diabetes explains more than 90 % of cases. Peculiar features of type 2 diabetes in mestizo populations have been identified (early onset of the disease, interaction with infectious diseases, and appearance of hyperglycemia with lower body mass index). Three major challenges exist in the region to mitigate the impact of T2D. First, a large proportion of the population has preceding conditions that increase their risk in the midterm. Second, half of the patients are undiagnosed, precluding the implementation of preventive actions against chronic complications. Third, the effectiveness of treatment programs is below the international standards, resulting in high expenditures without changing the rates of premature disability and mortality. The incidence of end-stage renal disease reported for Mexico is the highest worldwide. This observation is in accordance with the increased susceptibility for having microvascular complications found in Hispanics in the USA. In summary, diabetes is a major health threat in the LA region. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017.

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