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Título del libro: 2013 Ieee International Autumn Meeting On Power, Electronics And Computing, Ropec 2013
Título del capítulo: Assessment of the structural changes impact in the Zitacuaro zone of the CFE-DCO using DEA

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Data Envelopment Analysis; eficiencia; indicadores


Identifying oportunity areas to improve electric networks operation is a continuous task which has to be done in a continuous manner. Within the Mexican Electrical Utility distribution area several indicators are used which help us to learn the performance in each one of the divisions and zones across the country such as: system average interruption duration index (SAIDI), line kilometers, users number, losses and so on. Apropriate decision making of actions to improve these indicators allows, by a continuous evaluation of them, to measure the impact and efectiviness of such actions. However, there exist methodologies which allow to assess their impact and, additionally, they identify those indicators which performs the worst and therefore are the ones which directly represent and opportunity area to improve. Tools such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier are used by regulator organisms wideworld for such assessment tasks. In this work we have used DEA to analyze the evolution of those indicators when structural changes in the Zitacuaro zone, at the distribution circuit level, took place. The results show the positive impact of these actions as well as the identification of opportunity areas to improve. © 2013 IEEE.

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