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Título del libro: Global Perspectives On Family Life Education
Título del capítulo: Social programs on family life education in Mexico

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Diversity; Education; Family; Mexico; Social programs


This chapter focuses on the programs on family life education in Mexico. The framework emphasizes the diversity of Mexican households and families in a constantly changing sociodemographical and historical context. It gives the main characteristics of families in Mexico and the social conditions where they are interacting. Family life education (FLE) is presented in specific programs managed by the State. There are three State Secretaries: Social Development, Public Health, and Public Education. Each Secretary possesses a few programs that intersect with the government and are part of a national program of development. Each described program contains information regarding the aim, location, beneficiaries, implementation, results, and assessment. Public universities also contribute to FLE by having curriculums that consider family attention as a priority and train professionals for detection, design, intervention, and evaluation of its necessities. One example is the university clinic of integral health. Suggestions and recommendations point that State programs are insufficient to perceive and support families, so it is important to consider families from a broader perspective that include the household configuration and the institutions, along with the individuals. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: