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Título del libro: Encyclopedia Of Animal Behavior
Título del capítulo: Mating interference due to introduction of exotic species

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Palabras clave:

Anthropogenic effects; Artificial introduction; Competition; Competitive displacement; Competitive exclusion; Exotic species; Extinction; Mate recognition; Mating interference; Postmating isolation; Premating isolation; Reproductive barriers; Sexual selection


Mobility of species occurs naturally through air, water, or aided by other organisms. Artificial mobility carried out by humans sometimes leads to devastating consequences for native organisms due to competitive interactions with exotic species. However, mating interactions have been overlooked as agents of exclusion of native species. Mating interference takes place when the processes prior to, during, or after mating, are disrupted as a consequence of contact between different species. The specificity of courtship rituals, similarities between native and exotic species, costs associated with mating, and fitness consequences determine whether native species are at a greater risk of extinction due to mating interference. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

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