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Título del libro: Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference On Computational Creativity, Iccc 2017
Título del capítulo: Early-creative behavior: The first manifestations of creativity in a developmental agent

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Artificial agents; Cognitive development; Computational model; Creative process; Developmental robotics; Position papers; Reflection Models; Artificial intelligence


In this position paper we are interested in studying the genesis of the creative process. We suggest that the field of developmental robotics might be useful towards this end. That is, artificial agents that start with basic knowledge and abilities, and that through the interaction with their environment they develop new skills of incremental complexity. With this purpose, we built our developmental agent which implements a computational model for early cognitive development, based on the Engagement-Reflection model of the creative process. This model is named Dev E-R (Developmental Engagement-Reflection). In the tests we have performed, the agent can learn the first abilities related to vision and touch. Can these first acquired behaviors be considered as creative? We claim that they can as long as they fulfill the criteria of novelty, utility, emergence, adaptation and motivation. © ICCC 2017.

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