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Título del libro: Mathematics And Computers In Modern Science - Acoustics And Music, Biology And Chemistry, Business And Economics
Título del capítulo: Modeling signal transduction with boolean paradigms

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Cells; Computational methods; DNA; Expert systems; Genes; Knowledge based systems; Logic programming; Object oriented programming; Proteins; Tumors; Bioinformatics; Gene therapeutics; Phenotypic traits; Proteomics; Boolean functions


Proteins and their interactions are the basis for the interpretation of DNA into a phenotypic trait. In order to aid in understanding this process, the relevant knowledge may be structured in computational formulations. We are currently developing a knowledge-based system (GENIA) to study the relationship between protein interactions, expression and phenotypic manifestations. Though the emphasis of the model is on applications to gene therapeutics, it is also a tool for a general molecular biologist. We are currently including the rules for the modeling of genetic regulatory cycles of oncogenic origin.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: