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Título del libro: Necropower In North America: The Legal Spatialization Of Disposability And Lucrative Death
Título del capítulo: Introduction

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Achille Mbembe's concept of necropolitics has become a landmark in criminal, political, and gender violence studies. The idea that power manages death for the reproduction of the colonial status quo has become increasingly real as the global village fades away with the spread of neoconservatism, white supremacy ideology, corporative devastation of habitats, organized crime, human smuggling, sexual and organ trafficking, and the COVID19 pandemic. Nevertheless, necropolitics has different expressions in different contexts. In 2017 and 2018, the National Autonomous University of Mexico called on the international symposiums Situating Biopolitics and Necropolitics to map out the different manifestations of necropolitics depending on context and geography. Borrowing from feminist Donna Haraway's embodied reality as the epistemological viewpoint of situated knowledge (Haraway 1988), the symposiums sought to account for the geographical and subjective particularities of necropolitics in Mexico, the Americas, and North America. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.

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