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Título del libro: Advances In Medicine And Biology
Título del capítulo: Role of 17ß-estradiol on immune system cells function and its relationship with colorectal cancer

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For decades, the role of Gonadal Steroid Hormones was thought to be exclusive to sexual development, later it was observed to have fundamental regulative roles in behavior and brain psychology. Nonetheless, it has now become apparent that these hormones are also involved in the correct maturation and differentiation of the immune repertoire. For instance, sex steroids particularly estrogens, can regulate processes implicated in the immune response including the development and selection of thymocytes, cellular transit, expression of cell surface proteins such as Major Histocompatibility Complex class II (MHC class II), lymphocyte proliferation, and cytokine production among others. These functions involve a substantial repertoire of highly specialized cells that perform different tasks with precision and efficacy. Additionally, estrogens play a crucial role in the differences in susceptibility associated with sex in certain infectious and autoimmune diseases. In different species, females display a more pronounced humoral immune response and portray much higher levels of circulating immunoglobulins, than males. The production of a variety of autoreactive antibodies is also more frequent in females. Furthermore, due to the reciprocal relationship between estrogens and the immune system, it is crucial to maintain homeostasis. In this chapter, we will focus particularly on estradiol and how this hormone regulates the biology of innate and adaptive immune cell subpopulations; and how it may contribute to the resolution, exacerbation, or treatment for colorectal cancer. We conclude that understanding the mechanisms of action of 17-estradiol on immune cells is key for further progress in the development of novel therapies from colorectal cancer up to immune deregulation. © 2021 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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