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Título del libro: Research On Hispanic Psychology. Volume 1
Título del capítulo: Social genesis of psychology and Mexican identity

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Mexican identity; Mexican psychology; Nature of the Mexican people


The origin of psychology in Mexico is clearly related to the first formulations about the nature of Mexican people and their characteristics. It was during the colonial era when the first attempts to define such a characterology arose, along with a political project aimed at legitimizing a social group, the Creoles, in the eyes of other social groups (Indigenous tribes in the territory that is now known today as Mexico, individuals of mixed Indigenous and European ancestry [mestizo population], and peninsular Spaniards), in order to gain the political, social, and economic control in New Spain. It is in this way that the identity of the Mexican people emerged, a concept that aimed to unify diverse social sectors around a project of nation, a project that would let its promoters become the heirs of the glories of the pre-Hispanic past and thereby successors, in their own right, of the greatness of the aboriginal civilizations. The myth of the Mexican identity (and that that is Mexican) is the first form of a Mexican psychology that represents the ideological order within a social and political project. © 2018 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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