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Título del libro: Measuring Up In Higher Education: How University Rankings And League Tables Are Re-Shaping Knowledge Production In The Global Era
Título del capítulo: Global Research Productivity Rivalry:A Comparative Case Studies of Two LatinAmerican Public Universities

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:

In the last two decades, a growing tendency has been established to relate the quality of higher education with the rankings. This has created tensions in departments and areas, such as social sciences and humanities, that tend to publish less in international journals in the English language, which is a key factor in the weighting of university rankings. Thus, this study explores the way in which the academics of the departments and institutes of Anthropology and Education at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico have reacted to the pressure to publish more to achieve greater visibility and thus improve in the rankings. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2021.

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