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Título del libro: Covid-19 And Economic Development In Latin America: Theoretical Debates, Financing Dilemmas And Post-Pandemic Scenarios
Título del capítulo: Introduction

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This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book assembles works rethinking the fundamental theoretical elements for the analysis of the challenges of Latin American development in a post-pandemic reconstruction environment. It evaluates concrete experiences of selected Latin American countries, emphasizing the financial reorganization after the pandemic. The book then reviews the post-pandemic economic policy responses in the region. It also discusses the concept of International Division of Finance which, ultimately, alludes to the relationship of functionality and dependency through which the finances of the periphery economies are articulated structurally with the finances and the predominant logic of accumulation in the core economies. The book analyzes how the advent of the pandemic brought to the fore various socioeconomic problems that are related to the characteristics of Latin American productive structures, such as deindustrialization, low employment rates, great dependence on commodities and external restriction. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Monika Meireles, Bruno De Conti and Diego Guevara.

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