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Título del libro: Genomics And Society: Ethical, Legal, Cultural And Socioeconomic Implications
Título del capítulo: Genomics and the Bioeconomy: Opportunities to Meet Global Challenges

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Bioeconomy; GHG emission; Human Genome Project


Human society is reaching a pivotal point. There are several so-called grand challenges to be faced now and in the near- and far-future. Their convergence in time makes this unprecedented in human history. By the end of 2015, there may be a global agreement on the need for action on climate change. Energy security is increasingly unstable as new oil discoveries lag behind the increasing demand for fossil fuels. As the human population grows and ages, food and water security are occupying policymakers more. Soil destruction has to be halted or slowed. Into this maelstrom arrived the bioeconomy concept at roughly the same time as massive strides were being made in genome sequencing. This chapter takes a look at how genomics and the bioeconomy can be deployed to tackle these grand challenges. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.

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