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Título del libro: A Companion To The History Of Science
Título del capítulo: Weights and measures

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Decimal metric system; Measurement systems; Weights and measures


This chapter focuses on the history of the systems of measurement as depicted by recent scholarship in historical metrology and related areas. The chapter discusses different phases in the historiography of weights and measures: the ?encyclopedic? history of weights and measures, the ?social? history of measures, and a more recent ?cultural? history of measurement. A point of emphasis is the invention of the decimal metric system in the French revolution and its further global spread. The chapter argues that the proper study of the history of weights and measures should consider measurement as a total social fact where scientific, economic, political, legal, and moral dimensions are intertwined. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: