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Título del libro: Understanding Sexual Dimorphism
Título del capítulo: Hormonal bias in cardiovascular diseases: A focus on the atherosclerotic process

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Atherosclerosis; Dimorphic effects; Endocrine disrupting compounds; Hormones


According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are considered the leading cause of death globally. There is evidence of the dimorphic tendency of different cardiovascular health conditions. This, the role of estrogens in women has been cardioprotective, specifically in reproductive stages; however, little has been established about different compounds with hormonal activity, such as endocrine-disrupting compounds in both men and women in reproductive age. On the other hand, it should be noted that worldwide the human population is surrounded by plastic compounds such as endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) that could mimic some hormonal actions. These pollutants have been widely linked to carcinogenesis and are currently associated with cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, there is still little information on the endocrine disruptor's role in developing the atherosclerotic process in a dimorphic manner. Most preclinical studies in animal atherosclerosis models do not examine both genders. Of note, not including both sexes and addressing age in in vivo atherosclerosis studies are missed opportunities to uncover underlying sex-specific mechanisms. Thus, the present work intends to offer an overview of genderrelated differences in cardiovascular diseases, specifically in the atherosclerotic process, from in vivo experiments to a translational context. We consider it crucial to know the effects and mechanism of actions that endocrine-disrupting compounds have in a cardiovascular context, highlighting the necessity of considering gender differences in determining the cardiovascular risk profile, if it exists. In addition, we try to establish on scientific bases the development of future precision medicine strategies to mitigate what are still the leading causes of death of men and women worldwide. © 2023 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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